Was gonna say I hadn't played this in 5 years but suddenly remembering we're in 2022 means I haven't played it in 7 years. Jesus.

For a 14 year old game (yes 14) holds up pretty well aside from the 7th Gen console FOV and insane frame drops when the action gets too crazy. Still looks fantastic, that intro with the approach to the Ishimura stunning; space equivalent of first seeing Rapture. Gunplay rules too went through it on hard-mode plasma cutter only and when you get that baby fully upgraded it is a monster of a weapon. Probably my favorite starting weapon in any game ever to be honest, just decimates every opponent. Also, can I just go and say how surprised I am most of all at how well and seamlessly the cinematics during the QTE grapple sequences would go in and out from the actual combat? It's almost as good as the Heat actions in the Yakuza games. Stellar stuff. Cannot think of any other third person western video game series that has pulled stuff like that off since or even when this came out.

Honestly if I have any negatives about this game besides the aforementioned FOV and frame drops it's that the bosses are very lackluster and all of them besides the Hunter (which is still piss easy) consist of nothing more than strafing and shooting an exposed weakpoint, hell one of them is a turret sequence to shoot weakpoints. Can't have a 7th gen game without turret sequences.

Anyways, basically Alien: Isolation if it was good throughout and not just the grand total of 5 hours that don't feature the alien. Excited to play DS2 again as that was my preferred one.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2022
