Calling this the Aliens to Alien or to be more inline with vidya games the RE2 to RE1 isn't even hyperbole. A more thrilling and fast paced sequel that amps the ante in the intensity. Strangely similar to going forward to Doom Eternal after Doom 2016 as well. Enemies are more brazen and aggressive than in Dead Space 1 catching me completely off guard with the former fresh in my mind. Game seems all around more confident in its presentation and what it puts the player through. Less afraid to dump you into tight corridors with enemies that beeline towards you and believing in the player having the skill and response speed to take care of the situation.

Major shout out to the setpieces in this one too. Did the hanging upside down thing two years before The Last of Us lmao. HALO jump an all timer, and the camera always sticking with Isaac's current location is so chefs kiss sublime shit. One of the few times I'm glad a game has no real boss battles (outside of one) and instead just replaces those with big setpieces cause the ones in Dead Space sucked. Could probably have tried to do them better but this is fine tbh.

Speaking of that one boss fight, probably the worst part of the game but once again like the Hive Mind insanely easy just very annoying when the shitty kid zombies constantly swarm and stunlock you. Contact Beam lifesaver.

So many awesome sequences I can talk about in this the eye poke, the battle on the giant drill, the opening escape, THE FUCKING ISHIMURA. Game fucks and I will give Dead Space 3 (which I never played) a shot even if I end up not liking it.


Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
