Literally more of a Michael Bay movie than the actual Michael Bay movie that released the same year the PS360 version originally came out in. Ridiculously over the top campaign that differentiates itself perfectly from the surprisingly subtle and even oppressive predecessor. The name of the game here is shoot shoot kill and tear through to the end of the chapter. Yes it is the best one to this date and none of the CODs after it have ever hit the peak blockbuster high of this campaign. Funniest part of the game tho tbh is Zimmer just recreating his The Rock score and the huge amount of sequences just lifted from it.

Wish the multiplayer was a part of this and they kept it as janky as the original release if only cause it was probably the most fun I ever had in a toxic environment as a teen lmfao. Stockholm syndrome real.

And now to return to Elden Cock Ring...

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2022
