Everyone you've ever met has mattered and probably affected your life in some way whether good or bad and they can all be gone at any moment.

As if there was ever any doubt Monolith Soft drops another insane W with this one. By the final battle and cutscenes with the party fighting against Malos I was hooting and hollering while beginning to shed tears knowing how bad everything is truly going to go from the snippets we get in the main game and even then those snippets cannot prepare you for THE moment.

Combat as with the base game is super engaging and fun once they remove all the reigns and have the full party at your disposal to go apeshit with the combos. Love the silly animation cancelling side step shit to fill the arts faster lmfao. Room sounding like a Smash tourney but I assure you I am actually playing Xenoblade 2 an actual good game. Yes the QTE's rule and I have no problem with them. Even then I'm genuinely excited to see where 3 takes the combat as no Xeno game plays exactly the same. Score as always one of da best to do it babyyyyy. Not hearing Counterattack at all only for it to start blaring at the sight of thousands of Gargoyles in the climax an all timer.

Initially played this back when it launched while suffering from an unfortunately extended depressive episode and wasn't able to appreciate it as much then. Now with a (slightly) better outlook on life I was able to gorge myself into both the story and gameplay and can say this isn't just a mere DLC to Xenoblade 2, this is the true beginning of Xenoblade 2. Would recommend not playing this until after you beat the base game if its a first run through, but on repeat playthroughs this is 100% a pre main game affair. Tragic, heartfelt, melodramatic, and genuinely epic in the actual meaning of the word. Fantastic.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2022
