This game must have been cursed or some shit with the insane and super quiet development time and then the shit that went down like 2 weeks before it came out.

Rules and goes hard as fuck both literally and figuratively. This shit way harder than 2 almost hitting some of the psychotic insanity in Bayo 1. It really do suffer from an issue I've been having with a lot of Platinum's outings since Nier Automata though and it's that it feels they get way too ambitious with the amount of gameplay elements they want to put into a single game and it does hamper the experience somewhat. Also, not a fan of the two weapons loadout they went for here. Loved having different weapons mixed and matched equipped on my hands and feet. Don't have that here and you end up just defaulting to either two light and fast weapons or a light and heavy weapon which gets kind of old and just takes away player freedom and expression that the first two games had. Offset of this is that it still feels good as fuck to play and see combo go up like most Platinum games.

Demon Slave thankfully feels better than the fake stands in Astral Chain which was my worry going into this after giving that a shot (but who knows the goodwill of this may make me go back to that...and I may end up liking it) and with Nucleus of Talos equipped that lets you move around and attack? May just be the best combat gimmick they've added to any of these.

Not gonna lie, don't even know how I feel about where the story goes since it feels like a quick cop-out to catch up to where DMC6 will probably go post V. Like they tried to make Bayonetta 3 and 4 at once and it just feels like they speedrun through the whole THE NEXT GENERATION shit, but if they can iron out some of the frustrating parry mechanics with Viola I can see Bayo4 being just as fun and challenging as the previous ones.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2022


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