Replaying this for the first time in over a decade in a post 2016 and Eternal world really is eye opening to what a dumbass shithead kid I was back then. Now while I still prefer those games and the first two Dooms to this, to call Doom 3 bad is genuinely insane. Doom 3 is just as valid to the franchise as any of the other games and Doom 2016 owes so much to it. It's genuinely wild how much it takes from this and not just obvious things like the Hellknight design, but even the design and general engineering of the UAC facility, weapons, and equipment feels so familiar across both to a degree.

id were honestly off the goop to be pulling off lighting like this in 2004 much less having the balls to go full horror with a game franchise that had in the minds of people become remembered as big demon slaughter fest or the funny comic. Really if I have any problems with Doom 3 is that unlike previous Doom games which I feel start strong and end kinda dull. Doom 3 starts strong and gets kinda dull and sluggish around the middle then picks the fuck back up towards the end with massive enemy gauntlets that keep you on your toes. Oh, and the boss battles kinda suck, they're really easy and most of the time amount to just shoot it until it dies. Yeah sure, you can make the argument this is usually the case for Doom, but if you've played Doom 3 you know exactly what I'm talking about. YOU DON'T EVEN FIGHT THE CYBERDEMON HEAD ON YOU KILL GOONS TO POWER THE MCGUFFIN THAT HURTS IT COME ON.

That aside very good game.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023
