Very mediocre metroidvania. Game's movement is significantly slower than the Strider series history and even slower than some other Metroidvanias. Combat is also very samey with little in the way of meaningful upgrades to ever change up how you're playing the game beyond the first hour. Even Metroid offers alternative weapon options or bosses that require you to figure out weaknesses whereas this game's bosses are designed like the myriad of bosses you could find in any western developed action game of the time. Presentation also sucks massively for what is a game with such a high concept world and for some god forsaken reason the devs thought this game needed recurring dialogue while playing that covers up the entire bottom fourth of the screen. The game is by all accounts competent, but did not have much going for it in 2014 and sure as fuck has even less going for it in 2022.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2022
