The pro is that it's free-to-play.

The bad news is that it's a painfully average hero shooter with nothing new to offer and that's when it actually works. The game launched after a hellish development cycle with some of the worst netcode I've seen in a shooter. The gameplay boils down to abusing the movement to essentially make yourself invulnerable to bullets because the game does an awful job at keeping your hitbox and your player model consistently in the same place. Your usual indicators of shit netcode are prevalent here as well, getting shot (and killed) after moving behind cover and delayed hit registration, free for everyone to experience regardless of ping.

This game was specifically designed to poach from Call of Duty's playerbase and that means it can't commit to a theme. It has to sit mid-way through being a hero shooter and a carbon copy clone Call of Duty for the largest audience capture possible and becomes just another soulless game that Ubisoft pushes out the door.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2024
