I legit don't get why people disliked this sequel.

It takes all of the great things that makes Nights Into Dreams a classic and expends upon it in all the ways.
The atmosphere is litersally dream-like, able to mix together incredibly beautiful scenery with really effective nightmare fuel (seriously, some of the bosses looks messed up, in the best way). The controls are solid and feels natural with a Wii remote (even if I would love to see a port with a more traditional controller) and the side modes featured, both single and multiplayer, offer a lot of replayability.

While I can see why the writing can be a letdown for a lor of old fans (specifically regarding NIGHTS's character), I feel the message of following your dreams, trusting yourself and keep moving forward to face the challenges you can meet in your life, are still intact, and can even surpass the morals of its predecessor.

I kinda wish SEGA will do more with this franchise. One of the most underrated games from their catalog!

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
