Thief Gold 1999

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It took me many months, but I finally managed to complete this game with many great ideas but for the most part poor execution. Levels are massive with samey rooms and corridors you'll definitely get lost in without a guide. There are little to no visual cues to guide you around them either, and the map you're given is borderline useless since you cannot see your own position in it. Progression in them is also often very obtuse even if you ignore all the aforementioned complaints; Some times you have to use some item you might not even have at that point in time, some times there is one room that has a switch you need to push which is hidden like Waldo, other times you better pray you have an item at your disposal. Some levels can't be finished without rope arrows in your inventory at crucial points.

In spite of this being a stealth game, there are numerous times you are forced in to combat, and that part has perhaps aged even worse. Janky doesn't even begin to describe it, feels like it's just RNG whether you can avoid taking damage or not. Thank goodness for save scumming otherwise this game would be completely unplayable in my book. And then there are the zombie levels. The less said about them, the better.

This game came out the same year as classics like Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid and Panzer Dragoon Saga. This game is the milk to their wine in terms of aging.