(logging all 3 chapters)

faith is a very niche games with very niche goals, and executes them all flawlessly. I would have thought a horror game based on the atari would not only have the downfalls of emulating The Worst Console Generation, but it wouldn't be scary because of that, but i was dead wrong. faith uses it's 1 button 8 direction controls flawlessly, and varies it up enough to truly be terrifying. sections like the apartment descent or the candy tunnel are truly mortifying

If there's one major complaint, i think the insta-death mechanics detracts a bit from the horror. the sections without combat or anything were usually the most terrifying, although i did like the darkness sections at the end of chII.

i'll be replaying this just to get the endings and stuff, but since a lot of the fear is based off of the unknown, i don't think it will be very replayable

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
