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talking about this game in a review is an exercise in resilience in preventing yourself from talking about the ending, and depending on your opinions, from going into an artsy shpeal or an empassioned rant. i've certainly seen both, and i've spoken both. but while the talk about v3 is primarily about the ending, v3 is so much more than it's ending. it's a danganronpa game, it's mysteries, betrayals, romance, friendships, fucking story. i'm being dramatic but the game really doesn't try to help you avoid this pitfall.

aside from case 6, this game is truly beautiful. it obviously isn't perfect, and there are some scenes that leave me groaning, but this is the best danganronpa has ever been, every scene, every dialogue, every cg is top notch. cases have never been more complex, yet thorough and intriguing. i saw something said about garten of banban, i.e. a trash game. every couple months, some new hot garbage from garten of banban comes out, and it's almost reassuring. danganronpa is hardly as bad, but more danganronpa is very, very reassuring and comforting. flaws and all. ESPECIALLY when it's strengths are as strong in this game.

but case 6 is still case 6. and is also when this review turns into a defense. my opinion deviates from the masses. it's easy to dismiss the ending as invalidating the rest of the game, and as a spit in the face to longtime fans of the series, but i do think this is the least charitable way of viewing it. grappling with the idea of having your feelings be dismissed by the game, and then fighting back against it is a battle that you'll fight in your head long after the credits roll. something i only really felt from danganronpa, and neon white of all things. 1000 different people can get 1000 different interpretations, and i think that debate can hardly go into an ending that most people toss away as "cheap narrative shock". and it certainly takes balls to do something as avante garde in a long-running franchise.

it's humiliating to admit you like danganronpa after it's stint in cultural signifigance marred it's overall reputation, but it's pretty damn good. i can't recommend v3, because to play it requires a healthy 60 or so hours of consuming marginally worse content. but it's... good. even after fucking loathing dr1 and dr2 after i was done with them, i think i was just being tsundere. this series rocks, and v3 is a good finale.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

sorry uhhh i mean i want to breed kaede akamatsu so bad