This game is bad. dogshit. if i bought it for more than 2 dollars i'd feel ripped off, but i think that my opinion is more nuanced than that.

This game is so bad, so awful, you will never be able to play x7 without the expectation you're getting a bad game. it's reputation absolutely exceeds it's target audience. but i think that this is a special type of bad. not a so-bad-it's-good bad, not a genuinely unfun to play bad, something in between.

x7 had so much potential, playing it you can feel the game just barely grasping onto a solid idea, or mechanic that can be described as fun, and at extremely specific points, i had "fun". but it is just so entertaining to watch it blunder, and have all of this potential get squandered, and to see the game flop like a fish, desperate for any grip it can get on itself.

1/10. a highlight of any megaman playathon.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2022
