The best gameplay loop and exploration in the franchise but its kind of like your smt 4 build in that all the other stats other than gameplay are just lukewarm. I hope this game raises an entire generation of committed people to go back and play all the smts. I waited for this game longer than anything in my life more people should just play more of these games was all i asked for.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023


6 months ago

I've wanted to try SMT games for the longest time. I've played Persona games for years, but I've heard that SMT games are more challenging and nothing like them. Which SMT game would you recommend for a first timer?

Five looks dope as hell, though. I've played it very sporatically at a friend's house.

6 months ago

@shys you can really start anywhere. 4 is a great introduction, the difficulty of the game kinda drops after the first quarter. Nocturne teaches you a lot about the rest of the series mechanics. And even spinoffs like digital devil saga on ps2 or devil survivor on ds and 3ds are good if you like Srpgs. Like I said you can really start anywhere

6 months ago

Bro, isn't Nocturne supposed to be insanely hard? I've seriously considered trying it, but my friend keeps telling me not to. I might try that first though, since it looks cool as shit. I do also have a DS and 3DS, so that's good to know.

Would you recommend the PS2 or PS4 version? Or are they the same, just with better graphics?