Calling this game gorgeous, charming, emotional and funny is not enough. People I know did not like the fact that gaming site called this "Mother-like", but what they don't understand that this game is not trying to be Mother: is made by people that loved the series (and Mother 3 especially), but also other games, and tried to make their own game from the passion that they had for this title. Inspiration is way different from copying guys, and if you play the game you feel it.

Some people I know also told me that it is boring, slow to set in motion. I can promise you, if you think it is boring at the beginning, it will always be boring for you. This game takes it time, wants to tell a story, wants you to read its dialogues. AND THEN also do really cool dungeons and fight bosses like I have not see for a long time in games like Zelda.

Finally, the art. EVERY character, every character is charming, with a little animation made only for him. There are people you don't even need to talk with that will be more interesting to look and talk to than the average "Nintendo seal of Quality" game. I'm serious, I can remember more characters from this game than from the last Zelda (and I loved the last Zelda).

So, yeah, try it. The only problem I had were with SOME fights in which it was hard to not smash the buttons in order to try to survive. But overall a great game!

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2022
