Well, it ins't bad at all, but, at least for me, it has shown throughout the development of its narrative that the formula of a big plot revolving around Kiryu, and now his comrades, needed a oxygenation.

Partly, that's because the way the game treats certain things. It's not as if it is rushed, it's more like it didn't use the space that looked ideal to me. For example: not giving to some aspects of history, the time they could have, to become a more valuable element, as in the development of certain characters, looking a bit short for a characters that take a big roles in the story.

Apart from that aspect, some minor conveniences here and there, but nothing that isn't in the standards of the franchise. Now, talking about the good aspects, some characters that were introduced are very likeable, their developments are well rhythmized (could that be at cost of the little issue I've mentioned before? Maybe), it's a shame that some of them had no more time in the main branch of the franchise.

Gameplay-wise, playing on NORMAL, wasn't challenging all the time, but it didn't reach the boredom. As said before, just the standard, most part of the fights are squashes and, when it comes to story battles there is some good fights. Just in few moments the game has some bigger leaps of difficulty, but nothing that tarns the experience.

Apart from it, the extras didn't have the personal appeal that attracted me to do a big part of its activities. Training, Side Stories, Sub-stories were the ones which I've focused the most in completing and they all proved rewarding; aside from that, nothing to say. It's a reccomendable game and, although it didn't hit me the same way 3 did, still a game which a regard as good.

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
