A simple game, made for partable plataforms, still, a good experience. The story exploits the triads, a bit of how their relatioship can be and the surroudings of the echosystem of a criminal organization that operates in Liberty City. Altough there are aspects that I think that could be of a more well use, the game delivers a solid plot that has its values.

Gameplay-wise, easy. The piloting isn't the greatest of the frank, the bikes are a little tricky to command (for me, who played in android and has dull reflexes), but it's ok. The combat has a automatized aim, it can be a little difficult sometimes, pointing to a out of sight and the lack of a "more complex" cover system (there isn't such thing, but is possible to shoot some directions and protect yourself a little bit with the scenario).

Aside from the main story, there are secondary missions such as "encounters with strangers" and races, I don't quite remember anymore. I've played in a more "direct" aproach, but surely there various activities that will keep the occupied chasing for the 100% (I ended the story mode and I had 48%).

I recommend. As the last title in Liberty City, it valuable revisit it from another perspective.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2023
