I think ive just come to accept that devil may cry games just arent for me at this point :/ if i only think the 3rd game is an okay to nice game and the 1st is an okay-ish game and the 2nd one is boring dooty
then where does this one lay? EH! its not even dookie I think i just got really fed up with how im just not the type of person these games are Forrrr if that makes sense

Like i never did repeat playthroughs trying out other playable characters because I never liked the level design of areas and gameplay loop enough to begin with in the first place so how could I enjoy hopping straight back into it and experiencing a different route Sure. but still the core feel I dont vibe with

i Never felt like I was getting BETTER better at any of the bosses because when shit got too hard i either threw a holy water or ate shit until i scraped through from muscle memory with these games

Its especially a shame because I think the 5th game looks so good and I was really hoping that by playing through these games its traits would grow on me! It's funny!! the weapons are really cool and the music is awesome! and i think the character designs are cool its just.... its just still not stickin with me and thats probably going to be my biggest gaming L ever sadly. I def wont be skipping this to play the 5th because I wanted to give everything else a fair shake and I think ive just had Enough. most mopey review youll ever see me type because i do genuinely feel strong about my disappointment

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2022
