it was FINE
It's kind of like an incredibly simple zeldalike with a shitload of """terminally online internet zoomer humor" which sometimes i actually think is fun and silly while other times its like eyeroll inducing
the plot is also pretty funny bc it goes in like a total 180 direction and the focus is never actually on the grander scope of this game's world
And i actually thought the rip-up quests were neat

I think my favorite gameplay mechanic is the portal-gun flower pot and flower buds, honestly they couldve made the whole game just built around that as a puzzle game and id be content

The postgame content itself is really uhhhhhhhhh..
I think its funny how it feels like binding of isaac in the postgame, which in a weird roundabout way makes it feel even More like a zeldalike (because binding of isaac's inspo is zelda 1)

But when i keep throwing around zeldalike i mean it incredibly lightly LMAO

It's free on gamepass, u can beat it in like an hour and a half to maybe 2 hours ?? It's chill

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2022
