oh Fuck yeah, bitch.
Okay to prevent this review from seeming like a complete dicksuck im gonna start with the negatives
So many little changes like Sonic stopping on a dime when you release from the control stick and the drop dash doesnt bounce you very high and cant be upgraded to be higherrrr and really in the latter hour of the game you can kind of feel sega execs starting to tighten their grip on the dev team's throat while they try to squeeze in that last titan boss bc even though i had fun with it im surprised there wasnt anything crazy with its signature means of attacking..... hm

Also what the hell is up with the cyberspace level physics, i know theyre intended to be different so you cant just fly off the edge constantly or totally trivialize them but sometimes its like sonic's default speed feels too slow to me or the boost is TOO energetic ahh and sometimes the gimmicks they throw in are really cool like ||the last minute skateboard|| or theyre shit like ||the DRIFTING??||

You can totally tell that they were thrown in there, but unliike a lot of peoples criticisms of how Sonic Frontiers is... i actually like the cyberspace levels and the structures that you platform on in this game. I think that unlocking different structures while you unearth more and more memory tokens and collectibles to support the Kocos and more thats going on with the ancients couldnt be more appropriate for the kind of game this is. It's almost like youre an archaelogist in the most loose sense of the word lmao

Plus when youve unlocked most of the map and done most of the puzzles(which are piss simple in majority but as someone that sucks at puzzles i care more about them being "oh neat" rather than always brain racking) you can take a step back and rlly appreciate that the level design is just bones... but damn if its got some nice anatomy

You go underground occasionally, there's rails, springs, fans, the works! It's a treat and even though I think that you get your full kit in this game relatively fast if you just hop on a standalone blue particley spring for maybe 15 minutes DAMN its satisfying
Barring the fact that a couple of them get utterly outclassed by shit you get later down the line, there's almost never just one answer to a combat situation like the homing attack in previous games and youd think thatd slow things down but the cyloop? HOOH
the spin slash? HOOH
and when u mix in other ingredients of your choosing no matter what youre cookin its gonna look cool as hell

And the bosses exemplify this too I mean you end up doing insane shit to them that really shows more of the concrete feats that super sonic hasnt really... SPECIFICALLY had in repitition like in other games. I kinda wish there was a way to re-fight them or something in a training mode bracket or whatever so you could check and see how quickly youd dice something like Giganto from the start of your journey. It's FUN particularly because its got my brain racing in all these directions thinking about these sorts of things while in my previous sonic outing "Lost World" I could give respect to the multi-tooled kit that Sonic has in that game but I couldnt actually get with it because I wasnt fond of how the game flowed at all barring very small moments during its run.

The story for this game is really nice as well, now Im starting to shift my eyes from 'wide and impressed' to healthy skepticism with Ian Flynn because even though I really like what hes done for this franchise I think that his "everything is canon" position almost feels... offhanded
Like of course we can make references and thats AWESOME i fucking LOVE hearing about black arms and sticks and the babylonians and everything actually mattering in this so much that it fixed the characterization and wipes the flanderization out of tails, knuckles and amy...... BUT LIKE.. I REALLY WANNA SEE TANGLE PLAYABLE.. I R E A L L Y wanna see that if they do something with Shadow it wont be a laughing-stock, I REALLY wanna see that..
But i guess all we can do is hope but I dont know how I feel about just prayin to Flynn on that when technically you dont really see characters in this that you havent seen before that arent frontiers original, now dont get me wrong that doesnt hurt this game i just wanted to express that while this is a great step for the franchise, it's not like this dude reinvented the wheel or is the only one responsible for any of this happening.

So, yeah, like i expected sonic frontiers is one of the best games in the series and one of the best games in the sonic franchise of the ones ive played thus far

It's got a really nice story and action platforming gameplay that uplifts what came before it while also feeling like it's carrying the torch instead of holding a wet match somewhere in a Target parking lot chanting a similar tune

It's not perfect, but as far as modern sonic been seming to go
I think this is exactly what happens when a new era for the franchise occurs
There is always some fart-huffer that will be mad its not like what they grew up with, because Sonic will always keep changing and being experimental bc thats just how things are
The fact that MORE content is coming.. FREE content
ill be able to finally play as some characters that havent been playable in ages, and thats extremely exciting to me. Worst case scenario is theyre only playable in their own selective cyberspace trial levels, best case would be them getting their own movesets and bosses and even their own version of--[REDACTED] heh....ehehe

so yea

its practically sonic adventure 3 too, if you dont count sonic 06, then i guess youre counting this one

it has fishing
it has a parry
why tf wouldnt i love it

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
