A BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT hard to judge this game because it's an around 20 minute adventure game that boasts more themes and thought and environmental atmosphere than it does interactivity beyond talkin to fish and watchin an isopod rock the mic
But. ILL! T R Y!! ahem
How Fish Is Made is one of those games thats more of a thinkpiece and an experience than something you can see yourself replaying over and over again unless youre in a really particular sort of mood, its a very unique way to present how all living things cope with death and the fear of conviction and choice in multitudes of different ways
people like having choice until the strings attached start glistening in the void
I think that it's pretty safe to say that it never actually ever mattered if you chose up or down, left or right, blue or red, because at the end of the day we are all just Going Through
S o m e t h i n g
We are all living beings going at it in the grand scheme of existence, and that sucks.. but it's also ok! and sometimes it's not.
If it seems like im walking in circles quickly thats just because thats the meat of life, we make our own fate
we make our own meaning
we create and destroy and etc etc, this game does a nice job of planting the seed of doubt in your head while also representing how that seed can come in many different shapes and sizes, the path youre currently on in life may seem scary and then you wonder if you picked something else then itd be a nicer path
but then you notice how many people got fucked over on that other path

Some grass is always greener typa shit, but it all comes down to perspective and as eloquent as the writing is at times, i think its sad many will probably just think this game is just trying to be some stick-in-the-ass walking simulator trying to just be art or something. Like its scary to reflect on mortality, many people say they dont fear death, like pleadingly insistent wanting you to validate that they dont fear death or vice versa and it simply does not matter lmfao.
Nihilism in todays culture is always attempted to be portrayed as this really one dimensional "haw haw nothing matters!" shit by people that just dont Get It
but the beauty of it all Should be that nothing matters, so youre in the reigns and you cultivate what you feel Should be there
And as you get further along, and even forget about this review inevitably after reading it, youll still have moments where youll be like "there has to be more to this" or "i can make more of this.. right?" because the inevitability of time's march is a conveyer belt forward, not a finite mold, so go nuts
dance a little on it, drag your ass, clap your hands, finger guns, because the illusionary aspect of your free choice is free because its your own alone.. but hey atleast me saying all that nulls out any fears anyone could have about the future without relapsing thought right?... Right????..........................................................................................


final thoughts: I picked up, the isopod dance shoulda been on spotify, trypophobia warning just incase, this game is free, and thats all i got see ya

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
