Fun incarnate tbh with you ahahah wow

I've always kinda known abt this series for a few years but only recently sat to play it, I think that Jumping Flash is one of the more unique and cool 3d platformers ive ever played!! Ironically enough BECAUSE of it's limitations

I think the theming for the worlds is pretty cool and i think its nice the devs sprinkle in a good bit of variety to chew on with the ice physics (which are actually decent :o ), elevator, some moving platforms going side to side and what not
At a step back it's all pretty par for the course but I think the first person POV, watching your jump-count and the fun little power ups you can do are so fun and getting the carrots is addictive

Thooooooooough... sometimes... Sometimes.. you can REALLY feel that this was one of the first cracks at the 3D platformer genre LMFAO LIKE holy shit sometimes i wish there was a way to strafe or something but the penalties for death are never as grand as making you restart a whole world all over again, so thats why even though it shows its age
its more like wine than milk
final thoughts: I think Jumping Flash is a great time and i cant wait to check out how things are improved in the sequels, I like the hud and the powers and the pov and even got accustomed to the floatiness of the 3rd jump and looking down below you automatically
love how the game looksss, and personally my favorite boss aside from the last couple is totally the world 5 boss
so awesome :>
try it if u can! it's not too terribly long of a platformer either
do it for robbit, do it for the kiwis

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
