Im highly surprised this has such poor to middling reviews at best. As a lady tht never rlly fw'd the simpsons (was more familiar with watching shit like american dad, family guy and even on rare occasions south park)
I actually rlly enjoyed this!

Call it a crazy taxi high, but I think some things this game has over crazy taxi are pretty noticeable
for one the models arent god awful, licensed games can sometimes rlly miss the mark on how shit works with the IP but this pretty much gets it in every way. Im no longtime watcher of the show but ive seen all these characters before in memes and just through the grape-vine so to speak, seeing them all in the world while youre cruising around or doing missions and such is pretty fun
Though i do think the flavor-text/voicelines get a bit repetitive and grating
It's kinda like how in some other licensed games characters will just say an iconic line or two for the fuck of it regardless of the context of whats happening in the game or whatever
There's a lotta that... sometimes

But! you can even unlock playable characters at your own pace and there sure is a lot of them, not only does everyone have their own vehicle but you can actually play as ppl outside the simpsons family
I was having a lot of fun playing as the bartender and the clown, they were pretty fun
And one of the biggest things with this game tht i noticed was that you get a fucking M A P in this shit
final thoughts: To me this is totally in the leagues of cream of the crop licensed games, it's totally obvious that this is riffing off crazy taxi styled gameplay with a little more strange jankiness here and there
The aesthetic and vibes are inferior to crazy taxi as well but i mean shitttt, its got a map, crazy taxi had the radius meter thing you could push in and out to see how close you were to shit but idkkkkk the map is also pretty nice
though at the same time the radius meter doesnt detract from the tension of rushin through shit to get to where you need to go.

All in all it's a pretty good game :) One day ill experience Hit & Run bc im long overdue for that
but to be honest with you im glad i played this now as a grown ass woman and not a spit undulating little wiener bc the latter occured & i had played Hit & Run first? id probably be dogging the fuck out of this game

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2023
