VEEEEEEEERY weak, but hold up hold up it's got some neat traits to it. So first, I actually very fondly remember all the disney seasons for power rangers.. SPECIFICALLY dino thunder and ninja storm
This game was actually mindblowing to me as a kid because it was like "holy shit im a giant zord and everything is so puny!" and like yeah it still is Kinda neat and each zord is delegated to having a different specialty mission thing to do but after a while just kind of devolves into using the special moves of the zord needed for each mission which can boil down to just
hit thing with thing
and thats kinda it there's not really much deeper gameplay things going on here aside from time trial and the occasional escort mission with brachiozord which suprisingly i Almost failed a mission for the first time on.. .twice! one for each time it happens
Also its neat playing as the megazord for a whole 5 maybe 6 minutes
i g ue s s....
bc all you do is just cutscene attack the guy by pressing a single button
kinda reminded me of balan wonderworld of all things but i think in that game you atleast had to hit more than just One button
the biggest offenders are the fact that theres two pitiful boss fights in this
and collectathon shit is encouraged for rewards that honestly arent very interesting or exciting
when you do the "side game" shit, youre mostly just getting an intro zord cutscene or a cutscene from the show with no audio (Why????) and just the stupid generic hero music tht plays here
Which is a shame because if you want some actual reflex testing and knowledge of how these maps work, the side game shit is actually where it's really at. there's not really that much in the way of annoying ass enemies there either.

PERSONALLY idk most ppl wont give a shit about this but I actually felt some level of nostalgia and excitement seeing all the side zords be playable, even at a simple press of a button
because lord only knows that this game was a hit with kids Especially for not falling into some stupid ass donkey kong 64 bullshit
u can get collectibles so frequently and easily, youll never run out of special attack shit unless you misclick or youre actually beelining the fuck out of this game probably and even then theyre not hard to find
The pterozord really is the star of the show here because if you think any of the other zords feel sluggish or clunky or you need to look where tf youre going, immediately mash triangle to get to that bitch Kira and scope shit out
shes a lifesaverrrrr

final thoughts: you could do a lot worse for licensed games of ongoing kids shows, especially disney kids shows
but this being a power rangers property game kinda cancels that out I guess
You could beat it in an hour and a half, maybe a lot quicker
About as long as a Hylics 1 playthrough but infinitely less entertaining
ive never thought id want tommy to shut the fuck up so much in my life, rest in peace to the actor though
also this season had me obsessing over the morphers idk why but they were so satisfying to look at.... So Sick
also Fuck You Mesagog youre literally nowhere to even be seen in this video game, actually stupid that there's no big final boss fight with him in this whole rift portal dimension ripping suckin the zords and rangers away bullshit plot

actually i was gonna give this 2.5/5 but now its just getting 2 because wow that actually pisses me off the more i think about it LMAO

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
