i randomly remembered this game existed and did some LIGHT research to try and fill in gaps of my knowledge (since i dropped this shit around 2015) and what a funny fucking existence of a game
what's technically a large glorified mod for arma 3 is also what I see as one of the final pillars of the zombie craze boom of the mid 2000s to the early 2010s
I mean that in both a good AND a bad way
Good in the fact that this game's alpha was such a widely discussed thing on youtube when it was new that I often saw a lot of youtubers I liked doing lets plays streaming it and it ran like garbage on my old laptop but I still really enjoyed it and was intrigued since i never played an open world survival thing like this with a shitload of people. it was funny seeing people like uberhaxornova getting hoe'd by random dudes with funny microphones

and BAD(yeah hell of a mouthful on that second half huh) in the sense that this was in ALPHA FOR LIKE EIGHT FUCKING YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS I FORGOT ABOUT IT FOR HALF OF THAT LMAO infact I didnt even know it was out of alpha in 2018 until 2020, not that I really cared then and was dying to hop on but more like a "huh, neat" kind of thing

From what I gather though it obviously didnt live up to the hype and they still struggle to put out substantial updates but I meannnnn.. i still think this game did the best it could in a weird way, like hear me out for a second but
this game was one of the last pillars of the zombie craze yeah but it was also the start to a much more Defined game genre
the "heres a bunch of random resources, heres a shitload of people, heres things you can build and craft and mic support, and heres no technical endgoal" type of game, the open apocalyptic multiplayer adventure resource gathering shooter rpgs, now you can say "Jodie, that shit is pulled off a lot better in other games" and youre right! It's why we have things like ARK, RUST, Unturned, Ice Station Z, uhh Agario
and so on

games that are all about you just getting immersed and having fun with exploration and the struggle because there's something addictive about that especially with mayhem of other people trying to do the same thing as you and I think this is an important cornerstone of the industry that's lost its steam for games that have more of an end objective like with shooters or the latest ongoing trend 'battle royales' and who knows what battle royales will be replaced with if at all

but im getting off-base, yeah this game fucking sucks but it totally had its moments as fleeting as they were

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023
