I just couldn't get over it, the incredibly tense finale of The Beast Within haunted my 8-year-old self for weeks (and still does to this day), what could possibly replicate such a mystery ? What could even come close to the feeling of accomplishment after finding the answer to such twisted puzzles ?
This was way too much dopamine than my brain could handle at the time, so of course after being told that, not only did such a game exist, but it also is one full of PIRATES and ADVENTURE (!!!), the right thing to do was to boot it up and drop it almost immediately after.

It all made sense, pirates have been romanticized to death : they're brave, adventurous, out-there people with their paraphernalia of swords, parrots, wood legs and hooks, surprisingly warm figures for the imagination, and an illusion that Guy Threepwood seems to be the last one to still believe in.
It's a deeply charming game that time, somehow, hasn't even been able to approach, let alone touch.
Every. Damn. Line. Works to a point it's pretty much unbelievable, it's already a feat to write comedic dialogue that always sticks the landing, but still managing to hit at full intensity over 30 years later is the stuff of legendary writing.

It took me a whole decade of my life to travel back and forth from Monkey Island, but the feeling of closure these fireworks brought might, in fact, be an even more incredible experience than getting out of the final labyrinth that haunted a child's mind.

Reviewed on Feb 29, 2024
