This was the first Resident Evil game I'd ever played and also the first horror game I ever really played. I'm pleased to say that it was a really great time!

The game takes you through a number of unique environments, each with own design, style and gameplay style. I've heard it described as a theme park for horror games, and that totally made sense as I played it. The game changes pace and tone dramatically from one area to the next, and I hugely appreciated the variety. Along with that, there were a number of particularly memorable areas, encounters, enemies and characters. It's a game that'll stick with me for a while.

I'm not saying that it was entirely flawless. There were one or two areas that dragged slightly for me, particularly towards the end, but I'm sure a lot of that is just personal taste and the result of an anxious person playing a survival horror game.

An excellent game, highly recommended!

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2023
