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What starts out as a nice game about cycling down a series of gorgeous looking mountains turns into a game about chasing the quickest segment times, minimising crashes and getting onto the leaderboards.

Its a really simple premise that is executed very well. The pixel art style is minimalist, non distracting and pretty although there are times when the depth of field is questionable and makes everything blurry. Either Switch related or design choice. Not enough to dock stars, but noticeable on the second mountain in particular.

Gameplay starts off feeling a bit janky, but once you get the hang of it, its tight if not a little unforgiving when you clip a rock. How high you can fall from and survive also sometimes just seems arbitrary.

Its losing half a star because on the Switch the screen occasionally freezes for 1/10th of a second or so which causes stuttering. It doesn’t seem bad until it costs you multiple runs in a row which maybe a try-hard issue but it is frustrating.

Also losing a star for its consistently high price of £20 or so. Its a good game, but 4 years out, thats gotta be coming down. Worth a buy at < £10 or < £15 if you love these types of games at the most.

Almost gained half a star back for the free DLC, but its just an extra track per mountain. A whole new biome/mountain and it would of gained it back.