I wish Doug Tennapel a very log off. Just one of those Genesis-like platformers I personally can't stand, each level being a board of floating platforms that sprawls in every direction and only vaguely makes you feel like you're actually going anywhere.

Grew up a fan of The Neverhood and never really saw or heard anything from Skullmonkeys until this playthrough, so I was quite excited! Sadly this just kinda aint it. Wild how much is lost in the transition from point n click to platformer. Sacrificing animation tenets for the sake of having a character that controls wildly fast and snappy, and barely making any use of the claymation environments outside of the FMV cutscenes. It was uniquely disappointing to see Klaymen burst into a sprint and grind to a halt with barely any inbetween animation. The soundtrack talks the talk though, these tunes slap, thanks Terry.

Where Neverhood would immerse you as you drudge at a snail's pace across lovingly crafted playdough worlds and characters, Skullmonkeys is more contempt to breadcrumb you at a blistering pace to its anticlimactic end. You could tell me that this was a massively lower-budget production than what came before and not only would I believe you, it'd explain a lot. Sadly, this isn't a case where adversity bred creativity.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2021


Absolutely bang on, pal.

Also just want to say what a good laugh I got seeing this go from a 2 and a half with no review last night, to just 2 stars and this attached in the morning.

3 years ago

The love potion effect of the soundtrack wearing off as I had a wee nap before writing this, lol