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Ambitious game that I do not think quite pulls it off. Love exploring new areas and deciphering the ancient language.

The dialog trees feel awkward and like you are constantly missing options that appear or disappear at the last second. Sailing started out relaxing but became tedious as it takes so long.

The concept of the story looping is great, but my first loop took 26 hours! I was ready to be done, not jump back in.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

Hello, sorry to bother you. I was browsing through random Backloggd games and reviews, and came across your profile. Out of pure curiosity, I wonder why your ratings across the 2D Mario games vary so much– Mario 3 as a 2/5, Mario World as a 4.5/5, and Mario Wonder as a 3/5. I want this question to come across as respectfully as possible because I have genuine interest in the thought process behind this disparity and do not mean to attack or insult your opinions about video games in any way.