A prime example of the grossly overpopulated species of roguelikes which, promisingly, take a game type which is already largely played for its passive recurrent game structure and then strap onto that system a randomly-generated pre-fab three floor map scheme, node based traversal systems that have item and relic accumulation, perma-death, and elites/bosses to provide additional challenge intermittently along pathways and at the capstones of biomes. Like so many of this 'gimmick' game type, it dies by the thousand little things that kill any game that has hit the 'we made a game' threshold but has not reached the 'we understand what makes the game we made' precipice that actually inducts good play. The balance is horrendous, offering maybe 4 good orbs out of 15, and those 4 orbs steamroll the entire game; there only 5-6 different enemy types (which all either fall into melee or range attackers), and there is so little strategy in dispatching them that the roguelike structure of finishing fights to see what reward you get is less satisfying that playing pachinko; no quality of life mechanisms exist to streamline the overly easy portions of the game, which consists of the entire back ~85% or so of the entire run, so the player is forced to sit through wastes of time such as 2 or 3 minutes of accruing overkill damage past the maximum health of the enemy encountered while their orb endlessly ricochets around the board racking up damage 100x the necessary kill amount.

In the hands of devs willing to run through a few more cycles of QA, this game could improve a bit - but in the end, it's pachinko that runs like dogshit on a high end gaming PC, heating up my system more than Elden Ring does.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2022
