The opinions on this are generally bad but I don't think it was awful in the strictest sense. I played it a lot as a child and found parts of it good and bad

the bad:
The snowboarding game was far too difficult for me. I always played it with the easier competitor and the easiest snowboard. I did enjoy this mini game however.
The photograph game was unnecessarily hard for me as a child. Looking back on it, it is basically stalking.

The "running" around the mall was awful, it was like slow motion jogging and would bother me how slow they took to go places

the good:
the dance game enabled you to put in your OWN MUSIC to dance to. Not sure how the technology of this worked, but that was awesome!

There was a gambling type game called BONUS BOUTIQUE. I loved this for some reason? It gave you bonuses to make the game easier, though I never noticed them working that much.

Fashion show game. NOT ENOUGH CLOTHING and no customization. I enjoyed it a bit as a child. Too much going back and forth in the dressing room bothered me though.
Restaurant game was pretty entertaining IMO, but controls a little awkward.
Dance game. FAR TOO HARD. I was able to pass it but it involves wildly pushing buttons and it takes a while to finish the song doing this (leads to sore fingers)

Rating 3/5 starts out of 5

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
