THIS is how you remake a game. Not that doggy ass washed up $210 three part cash grab worse than the original in all the important ways by Square Enix (FF7R)

I finished the game now, and it was a great remake. There are some changes that felt unnecessary or worse than the original like the slower text speed and 30fps rather than 60fps, but the fast traveling was a much needed improvement that I think bumps this game up to a 9/10 from an 8/10. Also, coming from a PC gamer who loves playing games in 1440p and 144fps, the 30fps drop isn't a big deal for turn based games like this tbh. Definitely a better remake than whatever the fuck Square Enix has been cooking with the dumpster fire that is the FF7R trilogy.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024


29 days ago

Bait or something even worse. Call it.

28 days ago

Didn't know people are still mad about FF7R being a trilogy
You're so real for this

17 days ago

no no he's got a point