This game is cash money heat. Also think it's imporant to note that this review is coming from the perspective of someone whose played all the games that came before this (1-5).

Kiryu and Majima are both extremely fun to control here and seeing how they both became what they are now is really nice. The combat is really fun with each character getting their own styles, even if it is extremely easy due to how they change the flow of the economy. There is an emphasis on doing the side content to the point that you are pretty much locked off from fully unlocking your kit if you choose to just do it occasionally or not do it at all.

I did enjoy the story and I really liked how accessible it is for veterans and newcomers of the series. I really liked most of the new characters as usual, although I found the antagonists to all be mostly underwhelming save for one.

A really fun game and a solid entry point for anyone looking to get into the series.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
