May, 2024


1h 31m

continued building Jing Yuan.

April, 2024


11h 33m

Played through the whole Vignettes in a cup event and chose Xueyi as my limited time 4star! funny thing is I got her immediately in the next 10 pull I did -_-. Afterwards I started building Jing Yuan hoping he could help me in MOC 12.


5h 58m

I played quite a bit today got a lot more friendships and stuff, but I also built the Silo and got my very first house upgrade! I ended today's session on 25th of Summer.


7h 36m

Worked on Dr Ratio a bit and played through the whole Tides of War event.


7h 23m

I can't remember what I did I probably worked on characters a bit.


4h 25m

worked on my Aventurine and got a lot farther in MOC I was able to get 3 stars up until MOC 11.


9h 5m

I downloaded some mods yesterday, I wasn't gonna do mods but I really wanted to after watching so many mod videos while trying to beat "Journey Of The Prairi King". Anyway i basically only downloaded some furniture, the East Scarp expansion and 1 more character named Jane and that's it.
Today I introduced myself to all the new characters and I finally went to the mines got copper and upgraded my watering can. I also completed some bundles in the community center, the spring/summer foraging bundle, Lake Fish bundle and Spring Crop bundle! Besides that I just explored East Scarp and befriended A lot of people. I ended today's session on 11th of Summer right after the Luau.


9h 55m

Not done too much again, I did win the egg hunt festival, I also unlocked the community center and finished the spring foraging bundle, after hours of playing I finished Journey Of The Prairi King. Today's session ended on the 18th of Spring.


7h 16m


I started my journey in my Grandpa's old farm Junimo Farm. I didn't make too much progress tbh. I introduced myself to the town and spent the rest of the day playing "Journey Of The Prairi King", So far I got halfway through.



8h 35m

The Aventurine banner dropped and I let a streamer do the pulls on my account. He did lose the 50/50 to Welt but I got Aventurine shortly after. I spent the rest of the day leveling and improving my Aventurine, and I ended the day by doing all quests/getting all chests in Dewlight Pavilion.


5h 3m

I got Aventurine's relic set finished! Or at least the first version. And afterwards I did a few overworld quests in Penacony.


3h 49m

Listened to some voicelines, and I started the prefarm for Aventurine.


4h 45m

Spent the whole day farming orbs & relics but I didn't get anything xD.


3h 10m

Played Yoshi Tropical Island & Horror land with my mom.


3h 13m

I decorated & best friended Sir Vincent's museum :3;


2h 17m

We ((@MitchellGSPR, @Vincent) played some more today and we are starting to get the game more, but instead of focussing on filming the monsters we just make dumb jokes lol.

3h 0m

Same as yesterday I spent hours contemplating what to do next with my account.


2h 21m


Tried the game for the first time with (@MitchellGSPR & @Vincent.


7h 10m

Did nothing really today, I just walked around in game all day while watching my friends screen. I was trying to decide on how to fix my account but I didn't really get far.


0h 53m

Me & @Vincent Got all anomalies on @MitchellGSPR's screen.


4h 15m

Megumi, Welt, Himeko, March & Acheron finally made it to Clockie theme park where Aventurine took the stage and used his cornerstone to obtain a share of the authority of an Emanator of preservation. By doing this his he throws hos own body into a game as a dice to life of death. We fought against Aventurine and right before we defeated him he went into the sky and used his ultimate ability covering the sky in coins trying to destroy it. Forcing Acheron to use her ability making everything go black. Aventurine then woke up in a place called Black Sea or something, then Acheron confronted him and they had a conversation turns out that everything we've seen so far in penacony is fake and that there is a wall that protects people in penacony from the dark abyss part of the dream. Apparently people who die go there, and Aventurine wanted to die to prove that death doesn't exist in the dreamscape. And at the end we see Aventurine walking to the black hole, he also accepted everything that happened in the past wich I like.
Then we switched POV to Gallagher who went ahead to meet up with Sunday where we figured out that Gallagher is linked to the Meme Zone death and all the "murders" that have been going on in Penacony, we also see Sunday getting stabed at the end. We also saw a conversation between Topaz & Jade from the IPC at the end, I honestly don't know what it means lol.
We then switched over to the Megumi who woke up in a underwater looking place and there Sam started talking to her, and then the worst thing ever happened, Sam revealed that she is Firefly, FUCK this is the only thing I did not like about this whole update. The rest of the update was really fun besides this last plot twist.


4h 39m

Got all the Cosmodyssey rewards and continued my Dr Ratio build.
Story wise I played a lot!
I first started in Aventurine's POV where we gave away some money on the street in exchange for some intel. After a while we ran into Sparkle who gave us some usefull info, She also has a button that can blow up the entirety of Penacony so that's nice. Then we got a flashback of Aventurine being enslaved and being sold right after he escaped from Sigonia.
Then we switched back to the POV of the trailblazers, where we met Siobhan and Gallagher told us he was gonna make a drink for us, so we got some ingredients, made a lady called Amiky whom was bothering Siobhan go away and then Gallagher made a nice drink for us! After the drink we talked a bit about the case where we found out that the real reason the family wants our help is so they can expose the watchmaker. Then Gallagher talked about Mikhail (I swear I've heard this name before) and how he was the watchmaker at some point but died probably cause of old age. We then went over to Clock Studio Theme Park where we got to know a lot of backstory about Penacony, but we also got to know how Gallagher was related to Mikhail and how they lost contact. The reason we came over here was to learn more about history of Penacony and we kinda did!
We then switched over to Acheron & Welt's POV: they were investigating at Dewlight Pavilion, and once we made it to Sunday's room we found a lot of LORE. First things first A LOT of people have died to the "Meme Death" in the past they attack random people for no reason. We also found out that Sunday is quite far in his research to find out who killed Robin. But just when Welt & Acheron were about to leave Sunday entered the room and he also gave us a little bit of info and warned us about aventurine.
We then switched back to Aventurine's POV, he was in Clockies theme park investigating, we found out that he killed someone in the past and got put before the IPC, A girl named Jade interrogated him and it's around this time he joined the IPC. We then went further into the park where we found out that he did still have the Aventurine stone he used both Topaz's & Jade's stone as a decoy. All throughout this park Aventurine saw his past (Kakavasha) & future self, throughout the whole journey his whole backstory came together, we found out how his sister told him to run once the people who murdered his clan were on their way, but also how the ipc tried to help sigonia but failed. We also found out that Aventurine's eyes are the blessing from Gaiathra aka his good luck. And that everything (even the betrayal from Dr Ratio) might have been part of his plan. This whole journey really did a good job at building his character. At the end of the journey through Clockie Park, Aventurine went on the stage for his final plan to be put into motion. And he said 1 last goodbye to Kakavasha.
We then switched back to the Trailblazers who were having a meeting with Acheron, Acheron decided to help the trailblazers out when all of a sudden they heard Aventurine's voice throughout the whole dreamscape telling everyone to go to Clockies theme park for the big final show. Wich I'll save for next time!

March, 2024


4h 14m

Started building Amadeus & Misty's mansion in Strangerville.

1h 43m

Some farming and Cosmodyssey.


0h 30m

I only did the Cosmodyssey today since I didn't have too much time.


3h 45m

Aventurine finally met up with Sunday, and the interrogation started but Sunday was 1 step ahead, Sunday used the harmony to curse Aventurine so he couldn't lie. We learned some stuff about the 10 cornerstones from the Ipc & Aventurines past on Sigonia. After the interogation we found out that Dr Ratio betrayed Aventurine and that he worked with the Sunday to screw him over. We also found out that Aventurine gave Topaz's cornerstone to the family instead of his own. After this interrogation we found out that the Harmony curse will also kill Aventurine in 17 System hours unless he helps sunday to find out who murdered his sister.
Then we switched back to the Megumi & the rest of the Astral Express. After asking the hotel staff we found out they didn't have any idea who firefly is. It's then when we heard a familliar voice, We turned around and saw TOPAZ!!!!! After talking with her we found out she can't go in the dreamscape cause the family really hates the IPC lol, but she did tell us to keep investigating and gave us a hint to maybe talk to the bloodhoud family. We did but they didn't tell anything but they did give us the location of Gallagher, we made our way over there and after some time of convincing people we finally got to talk to him. He told us to follow him to go to a better place to discuss stuff.
We then switched over to the conversation between Welt & Acheron, where they talked about human nature and how the Dreamscape is falling appart, Acheron also talked about some of her experiences in life. They both also talked a bit about their pasts and stuff. It was very interesting and you can see that Acheron really wants to win Welt's trust.
We then switched again to Black Swan's part of the story where she talked to a male voice who knows some stuff about Acheron's past and I am 100% sure it's Boothil, he also told Black Swan that he'll be in penacony soon.
Then we switched POV back to Aventurine, this time he was talking with Dr Ratio in the Golden hour, he was obviously very mad at Dr Ratio for betraying him but h said that everything is still going according to plan. Dr ratio gave him a prescription and told him to use it once he is in a moment of death. Then Dr Ratio dissapeared all of a sudden. Next time we're playing a Aventurine once again.


7h 49m

I played a small bit from the Aventurine story but didn't get too far. Aventurine & Dr. Ratio made it a bit farther in the mansion (wich is actually called Dewlight Pavilion). And we did a puzzle with like a miniature version of the Golden hour wich is kinda fun. I didn't play too long cause i ran into a bug with Dr. Ratio so I had to like figure out how to report it, I tried to upload a video but the file size was too big every time lol. Afterwards I did quite a bit of work on my Ratio Build lol.


6h 56m

2.1 RELEASE DATE : D. I first did some random stuff like the new Cosmodyssey event and I beat Simulated Universe W9 for the first time. AAAAANNND I pulled Gallagher as well :3.
Now for the story:
We're continueing of right after the cliffhanger, Aventurine told us that he wants to find out the truth about what happened to Robin to reveal the lies of the family to the world, and he is doing this because he wants to buy Penacony. So he gave us some time to think and Black Swan brought us back to golden hour where we are going to meet back up with the express crew. Once we got at the meeting point we got a flashback to a conversation between Duke Inferno and Acheron where Acheron revealed that she may be an eminator. After the flashback we saw a conversation between Sam & Acheron where we found out that Sam didn't even wanna kill us. He just wanted the Astral Express to go after the watchmaker secret. (it's all part of Elio's Script apperantly lol).
Back to the Astral Express, We talked about the Aventurine's propsition & Himeko also talked to the Family and they also wanted help so we're gonna help both. Aventurine wants us to find out the truth about Robin's Death & The family wanted us to research Firefly's death. So we're gonna help both and not gonna trust both sides too much. So we decided to investigate Firefly first and to do that we're going to see what happens to people in the real world when they die. Although we did Split up again Welt still wanted to research something in the dreamscape, While Himeko, Megumi & March decided to start investigating IRL. Then Acheron showed up out of nowhere and she talked to welt to share info but Welt doesn't really trust her yet.
Then we got a Black Swan moment, where she was trying to get memories out of a music box Acheron took from the Duke Inferno Mansion but the memories were distorted, and a voice named Constance started talking to her.
And then we switched to Aventurine's POV, where we got some sort of flashback about Sigonia a desert planet, with a baby that was Aventurine I THINK? i was a little confused. Anyway Dr. Ratio woke us up with some info on the murders. Dr Ratio also organised a meeting between Aventurine & Sunday, so we made our way over to like his house thingie. And this is where we can play as aventurine & see his story that way wich is very cool. Anyway I left off right before the first puzzle.
I also recorded like 40 minutes of just gameplay for a video project.


10h 15m


Played through Brusque Manor, Rayou Swamp & The Carnaval! Afterwards I collected all the Achievements I missed, meaning I 100%ed the game :D.



7h 33m

I think I did everything in Penacony at least everything I could find. I collected all the chests in the last location (Reverie Dreamscape). So now I got all the Chests, Origami Birds, Clockie Statues and emotional Dials!!!!!