June, 2024


10h 50m

I decided to make a whole new character in this save. So I made a new girl named Konomi Moon who lives together with the dog Pulp made by Lilsimsie!!
And I actually got to play with her today, we gave her the aspiration to make nectar cause I've never done it and it's fun so far we got to level 2. And we also started working in the Dream Home Decorator career and made 2 friends and 1 enemy so far in our neighborhood in Newcrest.


3h 48m

continued setting up my save hopefully I can start playing next time.


5h 13m

Did some of the weekly stuff like Simulated Universe/Echo Of War and I also did a bit of prefarming for Firefly.

May, 2024


5h 41m

Build a bistro with the new Bistro kit, I named it Bistro basil and built it in San Myshuno.


3h 13m

Finished building Harmony Trailblazer & Tried the new Pure Fiction.


9h 24m

Finished setting up Newcrest.


6h 57m

remade my character in Cas meet Anastacha Bluum the first character of my Legacy challenge, She lives in newcrest so I started setting up newcrest a bit.


2h 14m

Started making my character but the moment I finished the game crashed and everything got lost.


5h 35m

Got all the emotional Dials in Clock Studio therme park & almost got all Dreamflux Reef Dials.


10h 5m

Outside of Story I did the following things: I finally finished the stupid "Tales Of The Fantastic" missions I couldn't complete, I also continued to build my Harmony Trailblazer and just walked around the maps a bit.
Onto the story: we met up with Black Swan and were greeted by Acheron and she explained us that we were stuck in a deep dream from the start because Misha appeared in the hotel lobby wich would not be possible since he was a meme. what I gathered from it everything did happen but everyone was stuck in the dream but in the fight against Sunday we actually lost and never used the Jade Abacuss so we were sent to the deeper layer of the dream aka what I did at the end of lasts story. Acheron helped us escape and we tried to use clockwork on the others who were still in the dreamscape but we failed, eventually we went to go meet up with the others who have woken up from the deep slumber, those people being Robin, Dan Heng & Boothill. But we also found out that Firefly the first person was to wake up and it's thanks to her that Acheron could realise it and save everyone in the end. So we thought of a plan if we summon a lot of people with a strong will it will interfere with the dreamscape, Dan Heng proposed to use the Jade Abacuss but Boothill said nah, he is gonna use that relic he got from Acheron to summon all the Galaxy Rangers to Penacony with 1 goal to help free it. After some thinking we thought of a plan. Boothill is gonna use the relic while Robin is gonna use her voice to sing and try to convince people to wake up from Ena's Dream (aka the deep slumber), and Acheron is gonna destroy the dream from the inside while we will face Sunday 1 more time! Before Acheron started her plan she told us about firefly and said that because she is a stowaway that her only way to leave the dream is to die (i have no idea what this means yet but I hope she won't really die). Anyway we put our plan into motion, Megumi & Acheron went to the black sea where Aventurine was before, Right before she slashed the core she asked us a few questions about our convinction and after answering all of them, we saw 1 last flashback from Acheron and the old man, turns out the old man is Tiernan 1 of the express crew members who stayed behind on Penacony eventually she helped him depart but she also revealed her real name to him it's "Raiden Bosenmori Mei" and Acheron is just an alibi it stand for Acheron the watcher aka the watcher of Acheron River and she helps people depart and not turn into nihility puppets, we then went back to reality the plan was set into motion, we said our final farewell to acheron and the plan was succesfull. Megumi, Dan Heng, Himeko, Welt & March found themselves in from of Sunday once more. This time we fought the real Harmonious Choir, after phase 1 we had some trouble but Robin came to our aid and using her voice it blended with the harmonious choir giving us a little adventage. In phase 3 the choir was complete and it turned into Embryo Of Philosophy Sunday coming into contact with Ena and while I almost lost we managed to beat it. after the battle Sunday and the harmonious choir fell into the depths of the dreamscape he lost. While he was falling robin rushed over to him gave him a hug and told him the following words "Brother the dream is over." while sunday fell the rest of the dreamscape started to wake up. We've won, the amazing story of penacony has come to an end. We did see a phone conversation between Aventurine and jade after the credits where she told him that she was on her way to finish stuff once and for all, Boothill also entered Aventurine's room and pointed a gun at him and told him where is Schneider (a guy from the marketing department). And we got hit by the TO BE CONTINUED (I"ll be the roundabout).
Anyway I loved this story so much the ending was so beautifull and I think Honkai: Star Rail genuinly has the chance to become my #1 game. Also apperantly last time when Gallagher talked to Mikhails corpse he died or dissapeared just like Misha I did not notice that until I read the Wiki.)


2h 40m


Started a new realm with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent, we didn't make too much progress today, we did a lot of mining and built a nether portal (we also looted one of those pigling fortresses in the nether. And me and Vincent got a cute doggie.


1h 22m

Started building Harmony MC!


5h 28m

We continued the story with the flashback of Misha, we went back throughout the childs dream area with Misha and while we were walking through the corridors Misha started to remember everything and with the help of Himeko we eventually figured out that Misha was a Memory Zone Meme created by the watchmaker who was designed to help the trailblazers the moment they found the dream bubble. But his curiousity and love for trailblazing and aventuring made him escape the memory bubble and explore the dreamscape. Once we figured it all out Misha said goobye to Clockie and told him that his adventure isn't over, so Misha went to sit down in Mikhails chair and he gave Megumi Mikhails hat and compass, and Misha dissapeared and died I think (honestly this made me cry lol). Anyway we went back to present time our conversation with Sunday where we put Mikhails hat on and Clockie appeared alongside us, but something else was with us the Aeon of Harmony looked upon us and Sunday asked us for a fair fight in the grand theatre during the charmony festival, and he left. But hey we now unlocked the Harmony Trailblazer wich is so cool the ultimate looks amazing and Clockie is in it so it'll always feel like he is with us. We had a meeting with the crew now and Firefly told us that Elio's script said that she would die 3 times in Penacony, the first one we've already experienced she could feel the second one coming, and then she told us we had to defeat Sunday so she wouldn't lose herself to the Order after the 3th death, cause they think the 3th death means losing yourself, so Firefly turned into SAM and left. Now it's up to Himeko, March & Megumi to go to the grand theatre to fight Sunday. before doing that we saw 1 last conversation between Mikhail('s corpse) and Gallagher and he told Mikhail the fake dream would end soon. We also saw an acheron flashback where she talked about that she is scared to lose all her memories because of the Emanator thingie but tbh i still don't 100% understand the Acheron flashbacks. We then switched to Dan Heng on the express who told us he is gonna use the Jade Abacus to call help from the Luofu to help defeat Sunday. But Black Swan said something interesting as well and that is that the family might not only be attempting to revive Order but also the Propagation and the swarm 💀.
Megumi and the gang arrived in the theatre but it was so empty and quiet so after exploring for a while Sunday told us he was gonna make us go through 3 acts before we fight him.
ACT 1: is about the past of Penacony, how the trailblazer's tried to bring the trailblazing spirit to Penacony aand how the outsiders helped to turn Penacony from a Prison into the land of exiles.
ACT 2: Is how penacony fell under the family's control since the arrival of the harmony, the land of exiles underwent dramatic changes but not all of them have proven beneficial.
ACT 3: Shows the future Sunday wants to build on Penacony. He wants to expel the Harmony completly and establish an empire based on the order.
After the 3 trials we went on stage with Sunday he first made us battle the 3 symbols of the Past, future & present. Afterwards he brought out the Harmonious Choir after an amazing battle and almost losing Dan Heng & Jing Yuan came through the wall and destroyed the Harmonious Choir! After the collapse of the Harmonious Choir everything went black and March woke us up in our room a bit later we became a hero once again. March told us that the crew was waiting for our arrival. But Black Swan wanted to talk to us first so after that we met up with Dan Heng and eventually with Himeko, Welt & Jing Yuan as well. After some catching up and talking we decided to join Jing Yuan in the negotiations with the IPC. So Megumi, Himeko, Welt & Jing Yuan went to talk to Topaz, Aventurin (whos back apperantly) & Dr Ratio in the lobby and they told us the strangest thing ever. They told us the IPC, Intelligentsia Guild, Genius Society & Garden of recollections all wanna work together to rebuilt Penacony (wich is so suspicious). Anyway we accepted it and went back to the express for out next adventure! When we arrived on the express everything felt kinda off, Black Swan & Boothill decided to travel with us for a while (wich is fine) but like everyone was slightly acting weird. We immediately chose the next planet and warp jumped already like wot. Then Black Swan wanted to talk to us. And she told that something is off and that she would tell us a bedtime story. In this story she retold all our Penacony adventures but she said that Megumi's still in the Dreamscape that certain things have been off. So she brought us back but that's something I'll be doing next session! I did love the plottwist though I knew something fell off and I was right.

3h 23m

Finished World 3 and played through World 4.


1h 57m

Played some minigames with @MitchellGSPR.


3h 20m


Played through World 1, 2 and got through half of World 3.



4h 47m

Before I continued the story I leveled up Clara/Robin and finished MOC 12 with 2 stars.
Okay Story wise:
We continued with Dan Heng and Boothill after gathering some info Dan Heng returned and we decided to go with Boothill's backupplan the Memokeeper was gonna leave a message in the VIP Lounge if we couldn't get in so we used some tricks and made our way into the VIP Lounge, while we waited on a signal we talked a bit about the situation and then we got a note saying that the memokeeper is waiting on the express, so we returned and Black Swan was waiting for us but Acheron was there as well. She told us we have to warp away from Penacony, apperantly The Express and everyone on it are in danger. Acheron also lied about being a galaxy ranger so Boothill would come out cause she needed his help with relics or something? We also got a flashback from acheron in land of sinners or something I didn't really understand what it meant.
Then we switched POV to Robin & Sunday before we played as them we saw some flashbacks of Sunday listening to people's sins and forgiving them with the Harmony. Then we got back to the present where Sunday, Robin & Welt were waiting for the Watchmaker to appear so while waiting Sunday & Robin decided to talk to some of the residents. After some talking Robin realised that Penacony isn't the land of dreams she thought it was but instead a quite toxic form of escapism,
People give up everything sacrifice everything to come to Penacony to find even a small bit of hope. Then to top it all of, Robin met Sparkle disguised as Robin and she confronted her with the final question that made Robin doubt everything "are people who escape to the Dreamscape truly happy?". Then they decided to wait for the dreammaster.
We then switched back to the Trailblazers POV:
While waiting everyone decided that maybe they should sneak into the theatre in case the watchmaker doesn't want to Co-operate and march had the perfect idea she got a ticket to participate in the Soulglad Festivity Auditions. We then said our goodbyes to Gallagher and we told him to come visit us on the express someday and he agreed. We then arrived in the Soulglad TM Scorchsand Audition Venue where Mr. Aideen the creator of Soulglad brought us to the stage, there were 2 paths in front of us so we decided to split up. March & Himeko would take 1 path and Megumi & Firefly would take the other.
The first challenge we chose was a acting challenge where we needed to convince 3 judges and we got full marks.
2nd challenge I chose was the Time Trial from Clockie where we had to fix a big Clockie so after collecting all the parts and some Trial and error we got through this one as well.
Now on to the 3th and final challenge I chose arena 1 where I had to fight Argenti wich was kinda sad cause it looked like he didn't recognise us even though I did his companion quest also his dialogue was broken.
Anyway Megumi & Firefly became the Champions so when we made it to the final room we saw Sunday waiting to congratulate us. We asked him what was up and he told us that he and the watchmaker will not help us with the Stellaron, we then flashed back to the conversation between the Watchmaker, Robin, Welt & Sunday. Sunday put the same spell he used on Aventurine onto the Watchmaker so he couldn't lie and after a bunch of nothing Welt revealed something that Xipe the Aeon of Harmony might have already fallen and that the entirety of Penacony a sham is, then Sunday revealed the truth that he doesn't really use the Harmony to create the dreamscape he used to Order wich shocked Robin & Welt and before Welt could do anything Sunday placed the curse on Robin & Welt and imprissoned them. This made Himeko and the entirety of the Astral Express but before he said anything he gave us a few scenarios and we had to make choices.
The first scenario the one with the bird from Robin & Sunday's childhood. I chose to aid the bird and put him in a cage until he got better.
2nd scenario 1 of the confessions a dude who sold everything house, land his 2 children asked for forgiveness and sunday gave him forgiveness and made the Bloodhounds stop chasing him, then he asked us if we would do the same, I said yes. Then he revealed the 2nd part of the story where he said that the guy he let go turned out he was lying and he never had any children.
Last scenario Sunday was chilling and got a letter from Robin while she was on tour in her persuit of the harmony she was shot in the neck cause she was spreading joy/helping people on a planet filled with war. And now Sunday asked us if we would let Robin persue the Harmony in his case and I said yes. He then told us that he just doesn't believe in protecting the weak cause you'll still get hurt no matter how hard you try just like what happened with Robin. He wants to build a world where nobody has to live in fear anymore no more working 7 days a week and only rest for 2 he just wants Penacony a place the weak can escape to and not be in pain but still be safe without others getting hurt wich kinda makes sense but there is some holes in this story. Firefly said that it takes people's freedom away and than she said the most fire lines ever, Firefly asked Sunday if in his mind she is a weak person wich he couldn't answer she told him that even though she has her ilness she still goes on and does not give up. After hearing all this it was time for the Trailblazers to give an answer, are we gonna work with Sunday and the Order to let Penacony be a escapism "haven" or revert it back to old Penacony where it's survival of the fittest but people help one another with the chance of being hurt. Or are we opposing Sunday and fighting the Order to restore Penacony? Well before I could answer that question we got a flashback with Misha wich I will play through next time.


2h 25m

Just played through the new MOC and I was able to 3 star up until MOC 10 after that I just couldn't.


7h 0m

I hate MOC 12, I built Robin and Clara a bit more.


3h 47m

Did more building on Robin/Clara and I attemted MOC 12 again BUT I JUST CANNOT DO IT AAAH.


9h 13m

2.2 RELEASED!! I pulled for Robin and I won the 50/50 and got her!! I also bought Clara's light cone in the shop so that was awesome!
Now For the new story Content:
On the Express Dan Heng met Boothill they questioned each other's intentions and Boothill explained he is looking for Acheron the fake Galaxy ranger. after some questioning they decided to trust each other. We then switched over to a conversation between Acheron and the Watchmaker, the Watchmaker wants to kick Acheron out cause she knows too much, we also found out that the watchmaker the old one is alive through the family members and a crow.
We then switched over to "Robin's" POV, where she was calming down guests and giving them a button the same button she wanted to give to the trailblazer earlier in the story, but it turns out that Robin was actually Sparkle and I think she wants to blow Penacony up.
We then switched over to Trailblazer talking to Firefly, I am gonna be honest Firefly being Sam I am still not a big fan of it but I was still nice to her and after a bit of talking she took me to the deepest part of Penacony where the rest of the express is. (we saw a flashback with Firefly and Blade as well). We woke up in Dreamflux Reef where we immediately saw Welt, so we talked to him and made our way through Dreamflux Reef, after some walking we found Misha & clockie who gave us a tour around Dreamflux Reef, we met up with March and eventually we also met up with Himeko whom who was talking to Micah, he brought us to the real Robin who was talking to the locals. She told us that she was not gonna perform at the festival cause the family's sketchy behaviour was too bad. (we saw a flashback with Robin and Sunday as a child and someone named Mr Gopher). Then Gallagher woke up with Sunday and after some talking met up with everyone in the Astrall express and now we can start thinking of a plan. We found out that Gallagher is the founder of Dreamflux Reef and he explained us how the Stellaron made the new Penacony and after some talking Sunday told us that the Grand theathre is the Stellaron so the express is gonna help Penacony now, we also found out that there is an imposter in the family. Gallagher then told us that the 3 trailblazers who went to Penacony and helped them build the new Penacony and save it as well. So we thought of a plan Sunday, Robin & Welt are gonna negotiate with Gopher Wood the crew thinks he might be the imposter he is also the current Watchmaker who can control the Stellaron so we're hoping he will help us. On the other hand Megumi, March, Himeko and Firefly are gonna follow Gallagher for a surpirse left behind by the old Trailblazers. Before Welt left Megumi gave Aventurine's coin to Welt just in case something goes wrong the IPC will help Welt.
We followed Gallagher and he told us about the 3 trailblazers and how they ended up meeting their early demise. And then he revailed that Mikhail the first Watchmaker was 1 of the 3 trailblazers. Then all of a sudden a garden emerged from the ground at the end of the garden was the dead corpse of Mikhail holding a memory bubble, we touched it but couldn't see anything so we gotta figure decipher that at 1 point. Himeko left the group to go back to Golden hour to buy something idk what that was about.
We then switched POV to Boothill and Dan Heng who tried to check in at the hotel but it didn't work out, so Dan Heng left boothill alone for a second to get something, so next time we need to talk to people While waiting for Dan Heng.


5h 0m

Collected all chests in Clockie's theme park.


3h 40m

Did lots of the early week stuff, like simulated universe, but I also used up all my fuel grinding relics for Clara.


1h 22m

I was doing my dailes but I fell asleep in the middle of it oops.


0h 39m

Played a few games with @MitchellGSPR at his place.

0h 36m

Played a few games with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent over at Mitchell's house.

1h 19m

Played a board with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent over at Mitchell's house!

0h 52m

Played this game a bit over at @MitchellGSPR's house with @Vincent, It was some dumb fun but I don't think I'll ever continue the game on my own.

1h 30m

Played Honkai on my friend @MitchellGSPR's tv again, this time we farmed relics for Clara cause I decided it would be better to build her instead of Jing Yuan. And we got nothing lol. Afterwards we did some farming on my friends account.


1h 31m

continued building Jing Yuan.