I played this mainly as a tie in to the film "Oppenheimer" considering the atomic bomb connections in the title and it was an excuse to bust out the Cowabunga Collection again. Honestly a pretty okay beat 'em up with my issues mainly stemming from the difficulty (they had to sell rentals to Blockbuster after all). I really liked a lot of the mechanics but when I learned you can spam Super attacks at the bosses it did feel kind of unsatisfying in ways. Jump kicking in the air is incredible feeling (just like the original arcade game) and idk why the other 2012 series beat 'em up game didn't have them. Cool soundtrack, fun bosses and a kind of bonkers plot made it worth playing. I should have turned on the unlimited lives feature in the enhancements menu beforehand whoops. The achievement for beating the game is a play on the destroyer of worlds quote lmfao.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023
