I'm a huge fan of the House of the Dead arcade series. This console-designed version doesn't live up to the high-octane and frantic nature of the coin-operated classics, but it does carry its own sense of brilliant grotesque Grindhouse style, with a campaign full of funny dialogue (although Detective Washington's constant use of the F word did grow tiresome - I don't dislike swearing, but seriously... every sentence).

Importantly though, the maps were great fun, the shooting mechanics were surprisingly responsive on the Wiimote — of course nothing compared to a lightgun but not bad — and the soundtrack is absolutely banging. Plenty of blood made popping zombies a delight, and I really enjoyed the unlockable weapons and upgrades, although the amount of cash needed to obtain the best weapons and upgrades was well beyond that of an initial playthrough, which was a bit disappointing. I would have liked to have had a chance to try everything.

Really good fun, though!

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022
