30XX 2023

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Time Played


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TL;DR? It's not great by any measure, but a bad Mega Man X game with co-op is still novel. Generous 5/10.

First thing to get out the way; this is a horrible rogue-like. It's too long, repetitive in its RNG generation, and just not very well put together. 30XX attempts to combine the worlds of Mega Man X's tight platforming action with the limitless replayability of a rogue-like, and fails miserably.

LUCKILY, the included "Mega Mode" makes things a lot more tolerable. By offering up a more traditional experience of dying and retrying from the start of the level, you get a much less frustrating, tedious experience at the cost of precious difficulty. I played the whole thing in co-op, which made bosses a cakewalk and platforming sections almost unbearable due to the screen zoom out. If your buddy falls off a platform and goes back to the checkpoint, enjoy being almost impossible to see.

So the two main gimmicks are a crap shoot. It's worse in co-op and has bad level design due to the rogue-like elements. What's left is a bad Mega Man X clone with some high quality sprite work. The unlockable powers do ridiculous damage, you get OP way too quickly, and the 9th stage is an obnoxious difficulty spike. 9/10 failed runs end on the same stage, at least in my experience, because the level design is so much of a cluster fuck.

I still give the game 2 stars for novelty of being a 2 player Mega Man X game that on occasion feels rewarding, due to there being some fun power synergies between the players. It's a frustrating, boring roguelike due to the awful difficulty pacing (easy for 1 hour, hard for 20 minutes, back to easy for the last 15), but Mega Mode makes it approachable couch co-op fun in spite of its massive flaws, which I do really appreciate these days.