Infinity's Trash and I don't know what I expected.

A painfully bad action RPG that walls story and gameplay off in two seperate worlds. Infinity Strash retells the story of a Dragon Quest anime in the worst way possible- by turning what is no doubt a well animated show into a Microsoft Powerpoint, and splicing in one of two types of combat missions. You either walk through a series of linear rooms filled with slimes and drackies that can't fight back, or fight one of a few bosses that repeat over and over.

There's nothing 1.5 star about the tedious mission design and terrible approach to telling the anime story alone though, this is one of the stiffest, least responsive action RPGs I've played in years. It has been outshone by Valkyrie Fucking Elysium's thoughtless button mashing and particle effects. Dodging is delayed. Parrying gives no time to punish, and regular attacks hit like a paraplegic first grader. So instead of pulling out sick combos like DMC or even a mediocre anime 3D brawler, you just wait. Wait for your specials to slowly chip away at a health bar. Then you win because enemies don't have any dangerous attacks.

Your reward? Some generic 8% mana boost cards and another slideshow of an anime filler episode. It feels like a mobile game, and instead of having cooldown timers, you have to grind cards in the Genshin Impact tower so you can beat the boss in less than a 20 minute war of attrition.

For 60 dollars, is it too much to ask for something akin to DBZ Kakarot or One Piece Odyssey? Or hell, something with online like that Demon Slayer thing? After 10 hours of boring fights and cutscenes worse than the driest lectures, I'm not afraid to call Infinity Strash what it is.

The modern DBZ Sagas.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023


8 months ago

^Will never be the bravest

8 months ago

It's a shame this game is cheap even by anime game standards (a classification that's synonymous with "underfunded" and "overpriced") because fucking hell. Dai really deserved better than his best videogame outing being Jump Force, and I wish fans of him had enough self-love to reject this tripe.