Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 23, 2021

First played

January 11, 2021

Platforms Played


Okay I know the other Halo fans will crucify me for this one but I don't care, Halo 5's story was fantastic, I loved seeing the events unfold from both Chief's and Locke's perspectives and the gunplay was the best it has ever been. The enemy variety is brought back from Halo 4 but with campaign map design that's actually solid and well-built! It also provides an incredible challenge on Legendary, especially when running solo, but the AI is actually well designed enough that it's perfectly doable if you learn to use them properly, but it's even better with friends. Not to mention that this game's online, ESPECIALLY the Firefight, are the best the series have ever seen, this game is an amazing time and I 100%ed it because of that!