Towards the end of the game, I was ready to call it "style over substance". Finding the gameplay too underbaked and simple o carry a 40 hour game. But the last few hours change that notion completely. Did the gameplay ever intend to be challenging and deep? Exciting to play and replay similar to MGSV? I dont think so. It was simply there to push the theme of the rest of the story, and that it does in a very creative and unique way. It isnt until the last moments that everything clicks, but once it does I cant really judge the game for this anymore.

Once ive realized the gameplay was not meant to be what I thought it should be, all the parts I already loved became more prominent, and everything came together (you could say, connected) so beautifully. The world, characters, way the story is told, the damn music, are amazing, and witnessing them all come together is incredible.

I felt like it was a "proof of concept" that would truly reach its potential in the sequel, but it isnt. This is complete, achieves everything it wants to and does so beautifully.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
