Complex thoughts on this one, while gameplay wise it improves on asylum in every single way, the atmosphere and creativity that made asylum so cool is severely downgraded here. This might be because they wanted a new art direction more inspired by the Nolan movies, and I dont like those movies so makes sense im not as into it.

To add to this, I didnt do any of the side content, imagine its high quality and pushes the game further than the main story, but I just wasnt invested enough to try them. I think the core problem is that I just dont really care about batman, this game bleeds love for batman, and assumes the player has it to, if you dont, I think a lot of the game doesnt hit like it wants to.

Lastly, maybe its in the side-content, but there are not a lot of memorable moments in the game, wonder city and the bossfight with Ras were amazing, and I wish it had more stuff like that. The ending and a lot of other missions felt underwhelming. For as underbaked a lot of asylums gameplay was, memorable moments were NOT missing.

All this being said, a 7/10 is the lowest score I can give, the game is really good, just doesnt do much for me personally. Im sure if I played the side-content (and gave any level of fucks about batman) it wouldhve been an 8 or 9

Reviewed on May 08, 2024
