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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 27, 2023

First played

March 26, 2023

Platforms Played


Decent little DMC/Onimusha clone

Had no idea Rygar had a 3D entry until I saw it in a retro game store. Decided to try it out and it’s not all that bad. Takes a ton of inspiration from DMC with its platforming and Onimusha with its three upgradable weapons that unlock doors.

Rygar does a good job of making each Diskarmor effective depending on which enemy you’re fighting. The white one is best for crowd control, red is best for long range and mobile targets, and blue is the best for one on one close encounters. The boss fights also offer a fun challenge. Rygar also features cool platforming and ability-type puzzles.

However, I’m making this game sound better than it is. There’s not NEARLY enough combat in this game. The enemy variety is bad, the balance between platforming puzzles and combat is WAY off, and this game is under 5 hours long. Additionally, the difficulty spike near the end of this game is insane.

Not a bad little game though. Fans of DMC and Onimusha should enjoy this.
