I heard almost nothing good about this or Downpour. And I haven't touched Downpour yet but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Homecoming. It does have flaws and a few issues I have with it though.

It did feel a lot more like Silent Hill games than I expected it too. The combat is a little awkward but once you get used to it it's not too bad. The game is more action oriented and maybe if the system was a bit better it would be good but i prefer the more suspenseful previous games and how they handled combat.

The story for the most part I thought was pretty good. It does really feel like it's trying to be Silent Hill 2, with even a plot point being reminiscent of it. I think including a certain element in this one from 2 was odd and didn't fit, but it barely is in the game so it didn't really end up mattering.

Overall after 1 playthrough getting what seemed to be a good but probably not best ending, I thought it was worth picking up and playing if you like the series.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023
