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1 day

Last played

July 6, 2021

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I've said this for every Senran Kagura game I've played so far, but I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this game as much as I did. The stories for each group are all fun, though they do contradict each other quite a bit, the music is great and probably my favorite soundtrack of the series so far, the gameplay is fun, but I did somewhat prefer Burst and 2's 2.5D style, and the characters are mostly great. I say mostly because some characters suffer from oversimplification, such as Yomi, who relies far too heavily on bean sprout jokes despite being one of the best characters in Burst.
In regards to the story itself, every group's story is fun, but some are much better than others. Oddly enough, Hanzo has a better conclusion to Gessen's character arcs than Gessen's own story. However despite how the stories contradict each other, they work well as a whole package.
Overall the game is great, each character is likeable and fun to play, the music is nice, the visuals are, well, senran kagura, and the story is incredibly fun.