Came in knowing most of what RE2 had to offer since it’s been out for a while. But I was still blown away! Loved the gameplay, still felt like classic RE with a hint of new mechanics from the recent games.

All the puzzles were not too hard but not too easy as well. The story was good but nothing amazing. Played Leon’s story run, Leon was cheesy in a cool way just like he’s always been, and I’ll play Claire’s at some point but I’ll move on to another game for now.

The horror aspect of this game was okay but didn’t scare me that much. Mr. X/Tyrant was probably the scariest part but annoying as well lol.

Tons of replay-ability to be had. Extra modes, new game+, 2nd story, more weapons, speedruns, etc. Capcom really did their big one with this. 3 and 4 remakes will definitely be played as well.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
