Here we have another collection of games that are almost completely worthless. Capcom was never well known for puzzle games so why not just stick these in another larger collection? All we get are 2 lousy puzzle games and one good one. Buster Bros. has three variations! The game sucks as it is why do we need three? The only worthwhile game is Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. BlockBlock is just a Breakout rip-off and is less fun.

Honestly, even Puzzle Fighter looks like crap on the PSP. These games were poorly ported and with such a small selection who would want to buy this when the back says 6 games? I played the entire collection in less than 30 minutes and was done with it. Buster Bros. consists of shooting arrows straight up that are supposed to pop bouncing bubbles. It’s extremely difficult and no fun at all. Puzzle Fighter is a gem/Tetris hybrid that many may be familiar with. Chibi Street Fighter character punch each other when blocks fall. Your goal is to chain colors together and drop the breaker block to set the chain off. Your blocks you broke then fill your opponent’s wall. It’s a lot of fun and this is the only game I could go back to. However, there are more fun variations of this game (Puzzle Kombat from Mortal Kombat: Deception/MK3 for DS).

There aren’t even any great extras like in other Capcom collections. The game is just dull and boring and even if you bring a friend along in ad-hoc you’re just going to waste their time as well. If Capcom were to have included some newer puzzle games from their catalog or just added these into other collections it wouldn’t be such a big deal. As it stands there’s not much to really say about 3 small games. It’s not worth the money or your time as even a rental. Just stay away from this and enjoy your memories of them instead.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
