Log Status






Time Played

31h 55m

Days in Journal

17 days

Last played

January 7, 2024

First played

November 28, 2023

Platforms Played


Never played a game in the Yakuza series before but always had a slight interest in checking it out. Seen this one on Gamepass and decided to check it out. As I was playing through, it reminded me of a game from the 360/PS3 generation - all the good and all the bad. It's battle system is clunky but surprisingly fun. The added mini-games are goofy but charming. The story is over the top but also has emotional beats. For the most part, the story was lost on me but that's expected considering this is my first game in the series.

At the end of the day, I really enjoyed it. Probably not playing another one for a while at least but I'm glad I took the time to finally check this series out. 1000/1000 achievements.