Its disorientating, gritty, and schizophrenic. Max Payne 3 is something that had the chance to be really disastrous but instead it ended up being great for whatever reason in my eyes. The point isn't in the plot its just Max himself dealing with the demons of his past. Its been done for the past two games but some how they made it work for the third time. The gunplay is probably the best I've experienced in a game. The challenges that the game offers really amp up the feeling of being a drugged up anti hero with shooting skills of a god. The multiplayer is addicting and offers a variety of modes. I think what I've enjoyed was the disregard of the inter-connectivity of the story and instead focusing on a particular moment of distraught or a moment of silence/peace that Max has. It made it more poignant and showed the solipsism that Max achieves for himself in midst of a violent and chaotic world. For whatever is thrown at you, you can still grumble a self depreciating joke or at how absurd reality has become.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2020
